Frequently Asked Questions
What Can Be Treated With Hypnotherapy?
Life can be very challenging at times but you don’t have to manage it all on your own. If your life is affected by any of the following issues, then hypnosis can help you:
- Addictions (quit smoking, drinking, gambling, emotional eating and weight loss)
- Anxiety (Panic attacks, Phobias – spider, dental, heights, flying, public speaking, nail biting, insomnia, trauma)
- Self Confidence and improving performance in exams, sports and career
Is Hypnotherapy Safe?
Hypnotherapy is a pleasant, relaxing state which is NOT HARMFUL in any way when carried out by an experienced and licensed hypnotherapist.
Everyone can be hypnotised, provided they are of high enough intelligence and able to follow instructions. And everyone can block it whether intentionally or unintentionally.
You cannot be forced into a hypnotic state and are in control at all times. Hypnosis is not something that is done to you. It is a process that is done with you.
What Is a Hypnotherapy Session Like?
The main tool Christine uses with her clients is hypnosis and within its framework she may use Mindfulness Techniques, Guided Imagery and Meditation, Inner Child Healing and EFT tapping.
Christine would begin with some initial counselling to gain insight into each person’s individual needs. She needs to fully understand where they have been, what they would like support with and the positive change they would like to create.
Everyone experiences hypnosis in their own way and that can range from a state of full awareness to a state of deep, deep relaxation. The client is aware of what is happening at all times. It is a state of active imagination.
A typical hypnotherapy session lasts 1 ½ hours during which the client is able to achieve a hypnotic trance state where powerful change can happen.
Is There After Session Care?
Christine is a big believer that the journey does not end when the hypnotherapy session is over. She offers further help to clients by teaching them Mindfulness, Relaxation and Breathing techniques. The hypnotherapy session can be recorded so that the client can listen to it in between sessions and cement their learnings.
The results achieved through hypnotherapy are very powerful, effective and even liberating to a person who has been seeking help with their problem for years and sometimes decades.
What Areas Do You Service?
Christine Dinas offers Hypnotherapy Mornington Peninsula wide. She has helped clients from Portsea to Frankston, including Sorrento, Blairgowrie, Rye, St Andrews, Rosebud, McCrae, Dromana, Cape Schanck, Flinders, Balnarring, Red Hill, Mount Martha, Mornington, Mount Eliza, Frankston South.
All hypnotherapy sessions are also available online via ZOOM Australia wide.